Saturday, April 9, 2011

naked man, eating slugs, falling mirror, and serenaded by the wendy's drive thru dude..

Man, i have all sorts of stories for ya'll!! A couple days ago i went to these people's house and played garage band. And i can play the guitar on medium now! {this is impressive- i stinketh at all video games! give me a break okay? lol} Anyways i was sick of being there and we were leaving!!! so i go up the stairs and there is this naked man. naked man, "i hope you guys don't mind my nakedness." betsy, "oh, it's fine...." me, "this is so not fine!!". Okay, he was in boxers.... but they were awfully tight and short boxers. and then i walked out the door before i could see anything else i DID NOT want to see. Can i just tell you that this was an awkward moment! if i had an awkward moments journal this would so make it. {why don't i have an awkward moments journal?!?! } Lizzy walks down stairs and tells everyone that there is a naked man in the living room. and they said, "oh, he's naked again?" like it's a common occurrence in the house for him to be COMPLETELY nude?!?!?! some people's children.

I was sitting on the couch today watching "the prince and me". {Because that movie is cute! how does one go about finding an attractive Denmarkian {man from Denmark of course...} prince??? Anyways... when my roommate Ashley says, "i had a dream about you last night." so she tells me about how there was this clear-ish slug on her basement wall of her house and how i ate the slug! and then there were more and more of them and i just kept eating them..... haha. How do our brains even come up with this stuff?

Last sunday i was taking a nap in between conference sessions and Melissa was doing something in her closet. her closet is connected to Betsy and i's wall where we have our pictures of Christ and the temples and other such spiritual stuff. Anyway she hit the wall hard enough that 3 of our pictures flew off the wall and made me nearly fall off my bed! Which brings me to this morning. We have a full length mirror on one of our walls and this morning it decided it didn't like being on the wall anymore! So once again i have a heart attack because the heavy, large mirror comes tumbling down to the ground and bounced like 3 times! I still am in complete aww as to how it didn't shatter. I think we had an earth quake here or something. Anyways, i think that next my ceiling will fall down. If i stop blogging ever you will know that this is what happened.

Tonight we planned a surprise birthday party for Lauren. :D We were trying to figure out how to get her here with out being super suspicious. And so we go pick her up and go to wendy's instead of straight to my apartment. Lauren asked the drive thru guy if he'd tell her happy birthday and he sang her happy birthday instead!! It was seriously the cutest thing! And then he gave her this fancy smchancy strawberry shake thing FOR FREE!! i think every saturday is going to be someones birthday and guess where we're going?!?! WENDYS! Forget chuckie cheese and riding the bull thing at texas roadhouse when you have an attractive wendy's employee sing to you!
{"can you just suck my cherry off for me?!" haha}

we played some serious wii dance tonight too! and guess what?!?!? I WON MY FIRST EVER GAME OF IT! it was a time for celebration. i think my luck with electronic video game device shin digs is seriously increasing!

And here is another funny Youtube video. I am going to join this choir when i reach seniorhood/retirement. I think that i am grateful for people who have creative minds. Because it keeps me entertained when i just don't feel like doing my homework. {mom- that was a joke. i still do my homework first. Always. :D}

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