Sunday, April 4, 2010

One Step Closer: Acceptance into the USU Art Department!

GAH! I can hardly describe what I am feeling! On January 28th (day after I turned 18)I said a little prayer and dropped my application into the mail slot marked "out of town" at the Post Office! Fast forward more than 2 months, today (Easter Sunday)-- I found out the results: ACCEPTED! I worked so stinkin' hard on all that i've done and i found out that it paid off in the end.
No one in my family checked the mail box yesterday, so I really could have found out yesterday, but the Easter Bunny delivered it to me instead ha ha. Best Easter present ever, minus Chirst's gift to everyone, of course.
Really good day and I am so grateful for the opportunity to become better at what I love! USU Art Department: We'll meet next year!!!