last night Betsy and Josh and Mckenna, and Hope and her boyfriend and Roman went to Old Main Hill and we went sledding! only we don't own sleds cause we're poor college kids! so...... We used cookie sheets instead!!!!! I was leery at first cause i've never had good luck on sleds but actually, they were less dangerous than a sled. It was awesome! :D Mckenna had a garbage bag and she made a "diaper" out of it.
She went down the hill in just that too!
When i tried going down on a bag it didn't work. But i liked the big cookie sheet.
Betsy and josh had a cute snow ball fight. They're funny peoples.
After we got adequately freezing and wet, we came home and made cookies on the same cookie sheets. :D
and then all three of them decided to use the oven as a rear end warmer.
It was a great night. :D
Such a blast! We need to do that again soon!