Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I guess a forehead can kind of be interesting....

So i was bored today (meaning i had way too much to do but didn't want to do any of it) and so i looked up the top searches in google. and the word "forehead" is the number 2 search today. seriously? Don't you learn what that word is referring to at about 2 or 3?

now i'm sitting here wondering about all the reasons one would need to search for "forehead." so naturally i search that word.... finding things ranging from the anatomy definition, to someone tattooing their forehead, to forehead face lifts. i still have no idea why this is a big deal.
can someone please shed some light?

and i saw this picture today too. haha
don't you just love people?

i especially love when my photo history class get's out early. :D

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