Wednesday, February 2, 2011

full speed ahead with the possibility of liver cancer.

last semester was the worlds easiest semester.... well.... when being compared to this semester.

I should be studying, or writing a paper, or developing more film, or painting, or drawing, or sleeping. but i'm bored of all that.... well minus the sleeping part....
but good news. i got to be before midnight last night! first time in weeks! it was 11:57. :D success!

this semester has hit. and when i say hit. i mean like as hard as my little brother can hit someone in football. i don't think i've ever been so busy in all my life! i guess that's what being retarded and taking 3 studio art classes will do to you.

i have never spent so much dang time in a dark room before too. i can honestly say i can develop better than ever before. this week i have already developed 3 rolls of film. one normally (12.5 minute development with 6 min fixer and 30 minute wash) and one compaction (25 min development with the other times the same) and one expansion (7 minute developments with other times the same.) and 3 contact sheets, and 3 11x14 prints. AND i still have to develop 5 more rolls of film at more various times. including a 35 minute one. in hopes of perfecting my knowledge of the zone system and all these N-3's (insert any number where the 3 is to 1-10) and N+4's and other such shenanigans.

but on the bright side. i learned selenium toning today. it makes my prints beautiful!!!! but on the not so bright side... it can cause liver cancer if i get it on my skin. grrrreat.
so here's how long it takes to develop one single print if i add an archival selenium process.
1 hour and about 15-20 minutes. so, if you ever can't find me, i'm probably in my dark room.

Item number 2- i HATE google earth. Stupid planet earth useless assignments! I was in the library for 3 hours yesterday working on this thing. I wish i would have taken the AP environmental science test. Cause if i would have passed i would not have had to take this class. Ridiculous that the concurrent enrollment didn't count for it. grrr

On other good news- i watched the bachelor last night and learned how to do a french fish tail in Betsy's hair. She was more than willing to let me experiment.

So i finally decided that for my 5 page research assignment in photo 2 that i am going to do it on how portrait photography has changed since the time of Hill and Adamson to the end of my textbook. And now i have to go write an outline before class.

but first, here's an update on the possibility i get frostbite this winter- probably looking at a 70 percent chance. yesterday my face wanted to fall off. i couldn't even smile my cheeks were so frozen. And even though i'm sure you don't want to know this but i'm pretty sure the snot in my nose froze this morning heading to campus.
between the possibilites of frost bite from the cold, breaking a limb on the ice, suffocating from a frozen nasal passage, or getting liver cancer from selenium toning i'm pretty sure college will change me in some way.
even if it's just in how to avoid all of the above.

advice from betsy- wear your snow pants everywhere. even in the house. :D

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