Monday, December 13, 2010

I could practically be a doctor now. And also a very bad art historian.


the word dreaded by all college students everywhere.

for me (being an art major and all) my 2 studio classes i didn't have finals in. Just a final project. which is much less stressful than studying my guts out all week long like i did for art history and biology.... but mainly art history.
this is how i feel about Art history- i cringe at the sight.
I don't think i did awful on the test though. so that's a plus.

Good news! I got an 88 on my biology final! Which means i'll have an a in the class overall! woohooo! This means that i am ready for med school..... :P

In my drawing class we have to turn in all of our work (from the entire semester! boo!) which is like a bajillion and a half papers. this is probably an understatement. It's actually more like 2.75 cajillion (this is more than a bajillion cause it starts with a c) :P

But i'm done organizing it so don't even worry about it.

So i kinda sorta have a blind date tonight. Anna set ashley and i up. i texted the kid on saturday night for a bit and good news again!!! wait for it. wait for it....


we'll see how it goes. He seems really nice though. I've never been on a blind date before.... that i can remember at least. hmmmm.

good news #3- my bishopric (who are like the coolest people in all the world) is giving us all pizza tonight! Why? because they are cool and would rather us study than cook on finals monday night.... which i don't have to study anymore cause i'm DONE!
I just love the end of the semester

Funny fact- over the last 3 days i've lost my point and shoot camera about 15 times. But i've always found it. My name is in it so if i ever really really lose it for real i would hope it would get returned to me. So i'm losing my mind 'cause of finals and then Betsy thought it would be hilarious to hide my camera from me to make me think i lost it. I have one thing to say about this: Good One.

that's all.

Happy Finals Week everyone!

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